Monday, August 22, 2011

Digital Collage | Ramadan Nights

Well. finally I designed some thing for Ramadan 
( Happy Ramadan to all of you).

I just scanned two pages one of them from an old cooking book lol, the other is form islamic decoration book:
The islamic decoration book
Old cooking book
While I'm working on PS:

Final work:


  1. Why does it say "ليلى" instead of "ليالي"?
    Very eye catching! <3

  2. Lovely work.
    i loved the Islamic decoration a lot!

  3. Seema: مادري سيما ماقدر اكتب كل الكلمات واضحه ماحب يصير فيني شي :P
    AlMai port: شكرا من ذوقج


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