Saturday, July 31, 2010

كتب ١

اي ادري كنت أقرا كتاب ثاني.
بس المهم اني للحين أقرا مو ؟ بعد عندي سؤال:
هل لازم أقرا الكتاب كامل عشان أعتبر "قارئ" ؟

كتاب: قوه عقلك الباطن - جوزيف ميرفى
واصاله ٥٨ احب هالأشياء و حاليا اطبق اللي اقراه و احس في نتيجه! وناسه مثل السحر

كتاب: عايزه أتجوز - غاده عبدالعال
واصله صفحه ١١٠ الكتاب حددده يونس - صحيح انه ما يعتبر كتاب ثقافي او علمي - لكن كافي انه ينقل تجربه و واقع حي
ابي اشوف المسلسل!

غرامي السينما.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

هل وجهي مألوف؟

يا إلهي هل انا معتوهه ام هي قله عقل النساء؟ في الفتره الاخيره دائما أفكر بأشياء لا اعرف بأي تصنيف اضعها، سألت اختي هل وجهي مألوف؟ - اختي معتاده علي فلا تستغرب من اي سؤل غبي اقوله لها - فكانت الاجابه ب "لا طبعا", فرحت! و اعدت السؤال بوقت آخر لاحدى قريباتي فقالت :"نعم!" فقلت لها وانا قلقه يعني هناك الكثير من الناس يشبهونني ؟ فقالت: "بستغراب لا!! مؤلوف اي طيب و سمح"!!! ففرحت لانه غير مؤلوف "وجهي غير مألووف"!
ماهذه السخافه؟
قد يكون وجه احدهم غير مألوف لأنه يحمل عاهه! مشوهه او محترق.
هل هذا يعني انها "ميزه" عندما يكون وجهي غير مألوف؟

أحيانا اتمنى ان امشي بدون رأس بالضبط كتصميمي هذا

تصميم من الأرشيف  | Design type: photo manipulation 

لا أدري. يقولون عندما تكون هناك فكره تزعجك أكتبها علي ورقه و رميها و انا طبقت هذا هنا
تصبحون علي خير

Sunday, July 25, 2010


ليش أكتب أشياء بالتصميم محد يقدر يقراها كامله إلا أنا؟
١- يمكن عُقدي الدفينه ما تطلع إلا في الفوتوشوب.. عالاقل ما تطلع في أحد ثاني من بني البشر
٢- يمكن ما أحب تكون فكره التصميم جليه و واضحه جدًا كوضوح الأبيض و الأسود
٣- يمكن عشان اللي يشوف التصميم يكمل الكلمات الناقصه -اللي ماعرف يقراها- من منظوره الخاص و إحساسه

قدرت تقرأ شيء؟

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Arabic typography collection

In simple way, Typography is the art and technique of arranging type, type design, and modifying type glyphs. يعني هو فن الخط او الطباعه, and I did alot of typography designs.

lately, I'm so in arabic typo well I called them my " modern arabic typography collection" < شدعوه :P anyway its simple I know but I do not know why I love to do more and more of this?!!!

Here is the collection 

written:" Creator of the heavens and the earth, you and Lee in the world and the Hereafter Tuffine Muslim and join me with the righteous .. amen"

" But only he that brings to Allah a sound heart "  - THE HOLY QURAN 

And now I'm still working on this:

good night :)

* double click to see pictures in larger size 

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Selling my artwork ?

My friend and me were thinking of selling my art work, so do you think it will work? what do you think are advantages\disadvantages? suggestions? do you have any suggestion on how to market them locally?

some prints

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Yehoo I found Moleskine in Kuwait

hey peolpe!

yesterday I went to the avenues mall because I really need to buy new clothes but I  didn't - the shops was miserable! sooo miserable ba3ad -, and suddenly when we were walking my sister saw the Moleskine notes and started shouting lol we didn't get the name but its a library somewhere near Fantasy World .  

you can find them in sultan center, but I didn't know that till recently 
and If any body wondering why we are happy ? Google it lol

Sunday, July 11, 2010

A week in a hospital

How will you spend it ?

last monday, I slept in the hospital with my sister. she was sick - but now alhumdo elAllah she is fine- I figured ways to spend  all that time..

first of all, bring all means of entertainment with you like: your laptop, journal, camera, books, crayons\pencils, snakes and DVDs 
1. sleep 
2. get online
3. watching movies
4. taking photos
5. reading books ( and yep! I finally started reading. *so there is always a bright side* ) 
6. eating eating eating

this is what I started reading " How To Have A Beautiful Mind ", I'm in page 22 and 
if I read 9 pages every day, I will finish it in 28 days!

the view from the window is just awesome, like you are in a five stars hotel 

We watched "Julie & Julia" movie and We really had fun 

yeaa I'm still writing my 10 good things :P

There are two blessings which many people lose: (They are) Health and free time for doing righteous deeds.    

pray for my sister 

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

new note

One of the solutions -as I read — to encourage self-confidence and personalty, is to write every day 10 good things you did. and I'm very excited about the idea, so I bought a note and started … join me if you are interested 

final shape 

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Traditional collage

Well, its hard for me to write.. but I really want to have a famous blog lol, so I will try my best, I'm very new in traditional collage art and this is my 3rd try...

- pictures were collected from newspapers and magazines

Here we go

final shape

it's an arabic sentence means; "A man shouldn't claim himself as a judge and disclose\ slander people".
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